In German, the Teutonic order state was called Deutschordensstaat and Ordensstaat.
It is thought that the order of the Teutonic Knights was founded in 1190 although like the other religious military orders of the medieval period such as the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller.
There is some disagreement about the exact date of the origins of these military militaristic religious orders.
Like other Knights of the medieval period, the Teutonic Knights took vows of Chastity, poverty, and obedience.
The Teutonic Knights was a German militaristic religious order, it was known as the order of brothers and was located in Jerusalem in the German house of St Mary.
The Teutonic Knights were more akin to the Knights Hospitaller than the Knights Templar as they were created to care for ill, dying, and injured Christian pilgrims.
The knights had a fighting purpose like the Knights Templar but also tended to the injured and dying Christian crusaders on the battlefield and in the hospitals that they had created.
They were prominent within Jerusalem city up until 1187 when Saladin the famous Muslim leader conquered the city of Jerusalem, however so impressed was Saladin with the Teutonic Knight’s work that he allowed some of the Knights to stay in Jerusalem and continue with their work.
In the early 13th century the Knights were led by a leader who was their grandmaster called Herman Von Salza.
The Knights continued to expand and grow in power and it wasn’t long before they were one of the most powerful militaristic religious orders in the medieval world.
During the siege of Acre in the Third Crusades, the Knights were officially founded and became recognized as one of the great military religious orders in Europe.
The Knights had a similar look to the Knights Hospitaller, whereas the Knights Hospitaller’s costumes were black with a white cross, this was reversed to the Teutonic Knights who wore white costumes with a black cross.
The Knight’s outfit was just as distinctive as the Knights Templar but they did not have a formidable reputation for fighting as the Knights Templar. The Knight’s horses were also covered in same the distinctive white and black cross as their masters.
The Teutonic Knights wore chain-mail and full plate armor under their white robes with black crosses, it was common for medieval knights to wear a type of medieval helmet called “The Great Helm” during this medieval period.
The German knights’ horses which would usually be from the Destrier breed which were strong powerful horses, were also trained to fight themselves.
These battle-hardened horses would also wear full plate armor, including chain-mail and plate armor such as a Chanfron, which was plate armor for the Horses Face.
The white cloth covering for the Knight’s horse was called a trapper and would match the Knight’s white and black colors. Teutonic Knights would usually have a large kite shield strapped to their back as they rode their horses.
The favored weapon of the medieval knight was his sword and it was no different for the Teutonic Knights, A knight’s sword had special meaning for him and was part of his knighthood.
It was a weapon that no knight could do without, although medieval Teutonic Knights had other weapons, such as maces, war hammers, and lances.
The German Knights were well respected during medieval times and the Crusades. As well as being fearsome warriors these knights help care for sick, dying, and injured Christians during the Crusades.
The German Knights also built hospitals and became a well-respected and established religious military order during the crusades that carried out important work.