There was a wide range of medieval torture devices that were used during the medieval period. Medieval torture actually reached its peak around the 12th century in medieval times.
Medieval torture devices were even created specifically for men and women, one such medieval torture device that was invented to be used exclusively for torturing women was the Pear of Anguish.
The Pear of Anguish torture device was used mostly against women that had been accused of being witches, the purpose of which was to extract a confession from women. The Pear was widely used throughout the Spanish Inquisition.
The Pear of Anguish torture device inflicted a lot of pain and it didn’t take long to extract a confession from a woman of being a witch or any other crime using this torture device. The Pear of Anguish medieval torture device was usually made of hard metal possibly iron.
The medieval torture device was mainly used on women as it had been specifically designed to be used on medieval women. When the Pear of Anguish torture device was used the aim was not always to kill the woman but to extract a confession for instance of being a witch.
The Pear of Anguish medieval torture device that was used on women in medieval times was inserted into any opening of the body that you can imagine.
The Pear of Anguish was inserted into the mouth or any opening in its closed position, the device had a screw mechanism that allowed the torturer to slowly expand the pears wings and increase its volume, this created incredible pressure inside the body.
The Pear of Anguish had pointed prongs, which were ideal for ripping into the throat, cervix, or intestines of the victim and commonly caused death.