Knights Templar in the Crusades

The Knights Templar had a very important role in Crusades during which it acted as front ‘shock troops’ of combat.

Templar knights usually came from noble families, were very well-trained in combat and donned solid armor.

knights templar crusades

They rode at the head of the army and attempted to break open the front-lines of  enemy forces.

Medieval Cavalry Shields of the KnightsTemplars

At the Battle of Montgisard in 1177, a few hundreds knights of the Order proved decisive in defeating Saladin’s army.

They had the reputation of being fierce warriors who acted by the knightly codes of chivalry and fought bravely on the battlefield.

Medieval Mamluk Military in Ayyubid Dynasty Hattin

Battle of Hattin *Ayyubid Dynasty

This role diminished following the Battle of Hattin in 1187 where Saladin decisively routed the Christian army and the Templar knights couldn’t do much to turn the tide.

Knights Templar Role in the Crusades Fast Facts

  • The Knights Templar were fearsome shock troops who were at the forefront of the battle.
  • The Templar Knights fought to the death and were fearless on the Battlefield.
  • Templar knights usually came from wealthy families of nobility.

templar events crusades

  • Templar Knights were well-trained, organized and wore quality armor.
  • The Templar knights were skilled horsemen and rode at the head of the army.

  • The Templars were shock troops sent in to scare, demoralize and to break the front-lines of enemy forces.
  • A few hundreds knights of the Order defeated Saladin’s army in the Battle of Montgisard in 1177.
  • The Order adhered to knightly codes of chivalry and fought bravely on the battlefield.

Knights templar Costumes

  • The Legend of the Knights Templar as a fighting force was damaged in the Battle of Hattin.
  • Templar knights were comprehensively routed by Saladin’s armies in the Battle of Hattin.