End of the Knights Templar

Legend has it that King Philip IV of France held animosity towards the Knights Templar Order, probably because he owed a huge debt to the Order.

He pressured his relative Pope Clement V to bring down the Order.

King Philippe IV Famous Medieval King France

Seizing on a rumor of the Order’s corruption, Philip IV ordered the arrest of the Order’s Grand Master and other leading members in 1307. King Philip made claims that the Order was involved in nonreligious, heretical, and criminal activities.


Jacques de Molay Templar Grand Master

To add to this, Pope Clement V issued a “papal bull” outlawing the Order in 1312 and dissolving it in 1312. In 1314, the Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake.

However before the end of the year, both the King and the Pope met their deaths as well!

Knights Templar Burned at The Stake

Knights Templar Grand Masters Burned at the Stake

The Story of the Knights Templar is surrounded by Mystery and Intrigue and there are many ‘Conspiracy theories’ linked to the ‘Templar Order’.

One of these mysteries relates to the possible escape of the armies of the knights’ templar and many of its leaders.

Knights Templar Freemasons

Grand Master and founder ‘Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake and a papal bull outlawing the order was declared in 1312, however, legend has it that many of the Knights Templar escaped to Scotland in Great Britain.

Some conspiracy theories put forward the idea that they were able to hide, regroup and gain control of not just Scotland but England as well over time.

Medieval Merchants Ships

We must consider that this is totally possible given the wealth and power of the Knights Templar at that time and that they had a fleet of ships that could take them anywhere in the world.

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It is also a coincidence and very suspicious that both King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V the very people fighting to bring down the ‘Templar Order’ both allegedly met their deaths the very same year as Jacques de Molay, was burned at stake, is in not?

Stories surrounding the End of the ‘Knights Templar Order’ are surrounded by mystery, suspicion, and Intrigue to this very day!

Decline & End of Knights Templar Fast Facts

  • King Philip IV of France owed a huge debt to the Order.
  • King Philip IV of France pressured his relative Pope Clement V to bring down the Order.
  • Philip IV ordered the arrest of Order’s Grand Master and other leading members in 1307.

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  • Claims were made that the Order was involved in nonreligious, heretical, and criminal activities.
  • Pope Clement V issued a “papal bull” outlawing the Order in 1312.
  • Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Order, was burned at the stake in 1314.
  • Both King Philip IV and Pope Clement V both died in the same year.

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