The Black Death is also commonly described as “The Plague”, “The Black Death”, and “The Bubonic Plague”, The Black Death was one of, if not the worst disease in history! It was caused by the bacterium Yserinia pestis, a bacteria commonly carried by fleas.
The Black Death took hold of most of Europe, only a few isolated countries and regions escaped a serious outbreak but the European major towns and cities were devastated.
The Black Death is one of those diseases that causes panic and fear, due to how quickly it spreads and the devastating effects of the disease.
One of the most frightening aspects was that peoples limbs, hands and feet for example would turn black and then in a short time completely drop off.
The most devastating period of the ‘Black Death’ came in the 14th Century when medieval England and the rest of Europe was decimated.
Populations in European towns and cities were drastically reduced – some historians put the figure at 25% of Europe’s population others lower at around 25%.
Whatever the correct percentage of people killed by the Black Death in medieval times the numbers were huge especially when we consider that the worlds population was a fraction of the size it is today
13) The cry of ‘Bring out your dead’ could be heard in the streets of medieval towns and cities
Finally the Black death got so bad that many additional plague doctors were drafted in by Pope Clement VI during the Black Death plague.