What was the Bubonic Plague?

The Bubonic Plague is most commonly known as the pandemic of the 14th century in medieval Europe

During this time millions of European medieval people died.

It is believed that as much as 50 – 60 % of Europe’s population was wiped out by the Bubonic Plague – This was a huge number at the time as the World’s population was much smaller than it is today.

It is believed that this ‘Great Plague of the middle ages was caused by several types of bacterium coming together to form a sinister and deadly combination of Bacterium.

It is thought that the worst of the bacterium was ‘Yersinia pestis’ and that this was the ‘Bubonic plague strain’.

Bubonic Plague

These Bacteria are commonly Known as

  • Great Plague
  • The Black Death
  • The Black Plague
  • The Bubonic Plague
  • The Plague
Black Death Herb Mask worn by medieval doctor

During the black death or bubonic plague, medieval doctors wore bizarre herb masks as shown

There are other less commonly known descriptions as well.

It is thought that the ‘Black Death’ in Europe was a combination of the bubonic plague, septicemic plague, and pneumonic plaguewith victims possibly catching some or all of the strains!


Symptoms of the Bubonic plague were easy to spot and pretty quick to take hold

  • Flu-Type symptoms from 1 – 7 days appear.
  • Headache, fever, and vomiting follow.
  • Painful, Swollen lymph nodes that sometimes would crack open.

There was no known cure for the Bubonic Plague at the time and most people who called it the Bubonic plague sadly died.