Read more about the 10 Key Facts about Anglo-Saxon Shield Formations in Warfare >>
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History of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms such as Murcia and Wessex Read more about the 7 Great Anglo Saxon Kingdoms >>
Read more about the Alfred the Great *Battles the Great Heathen Army *793 >>
Ordinary Anglo Saxon People mainly wore clothes made from Wool and Linen Read more about the Anglo Saxon Clothes >>
Learn about the definition of the Anglo-Saxons Read more about the Anglo Saxon Definition >>
Anglo Saxon Farming made use of basic tools like a plough and other farming tools such as Spades and Billhooks were used by Anglo Saxon Farmers Read more about the Anglo Saxon Farming >>
Anglo Saxon Food was healthy and from natural sources, the Anglo Saxons mainly ate Grains, Vegetables and Meats Read more about the Anglo Saxon Food >>
The Anglo Saxon History is one of Emigration to Northern Europe, the Germanic tribes of Saxons and Angles migrated across Europe and United England Read more about the Anglo Saxon History >>
Anglo Saxon Kings such as Alfred The Great, Offa of Mercia and Edwin of Northumbria were important rules in Anglo Saxon History Read more about the Anglo Saxon Kings >>
Learn about the Fascinating Anglo-Saxon language 'Old English' Read more about the Anglo Saxon Language – 5th century onwards >>
Anglo Saxon Life was structured into a clearly defined hierarchy of Freemen such as Nobility and Slaves, Religion was very important element of the Anglo Saxon society Read more about the Anglo Saxon Life >>
Discover the Anglo Saxon origins - who were the people who settled in Medieval England? Read more about the Anglo Saxon Origins ‘3 Tribes’ and Germanic Peoples >>
The Anglo Saxons who settled in medieval Europe and England in the 5th Century were from Germanic tribes of Angles and Saxons Read more about the Anglo Saxon People >>
Anglo Saxons used mainly infantry during battles and the main bulk of the army was not professional Read more about the Anglo Saxon Warriors >>
The Anglo Saxons had to fight many wars against the Bretons to hold onto and expand their territories Read more about the Anglo Saxon Wars >>
Weapons and Weaponry - Top 4 Weapons used by 'Anglo Saxon Warriors' Read more about the Anglo Saxon Weapons and Weaponry >>
Discover the Celtic tribes known as the Britons and the Anglo-Saxons Read more about the Anglo Saxons Invasion of England – Who were the Saxons? >>
See a comprehensive timeline of the Anglo Saxons history in Medieval Times. The Anglo Saxon timeline gives you the Key dates in Anglo Saxon History Read more about the Anglo Saxons Timeline >>
Read more about the Battle of Mons Badonicus *Legend of King Arthur >>
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Famous Anglo Saxon Kings Alfred the Great, Offa of Mercia were of Germanic origins - started arriving in the British Isle around 5th Century Read more about the Famous Anglo Saxon Kings >>
The Anglo Saxons brought new Ideas and Culture to the British Isle Read more about the Famous Anglo Saxon People >>
History of Anglo-Saxon helmets during Medieval times Read more about the Great Anglo Saxon Helmet ‘Sutton Hoo’ c. 700 >>
Saxon History in England was fascinating and a period of great expansion for the Saxons Tribes, who settled in vast numbers in England Read more about the Saxon History in England >>
The Anglo Saxons people originated from two Germanic tribes that expanded throughout Europe and came to England in large numbers Read more about the The Anglo Saxons >>
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Who were the Anglo Saxons and where did they come from, Discover the Origins of the Anglo Saxons and How they came to unify England Read more about the Who were the Anglo Saxons? >>
Anglo-Saxons usually settled down to become farmers once they had conquered territory and usually divided it into small parcels of land, each person would get a small plot that they could grow food on for their family.
Anglo Saxons also had to give a percentage of the food they produced to the Anglo-Saxon King every year.
The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes left Denmark and Germany settling in Britain from around the year 410 *They created their own kingdoms and became known as the ‘Anglo-Saxons’.
The Anglo Saxons would dominate the land they called ‘Angle Land’ *England until the times of the Norman Conquest.
By the year c. 600, there were 7 main kingdoms that were ruled by an Anglo Saxon King.
Anglo-Saxons had a different culture than British Christians, they were pagans who prayed to many different gods, they believed that there were gods of rocks, trees, and the Sun, etc.
The Anglo Saxons believed in a strong family unit and were very loyal to their relatives even distant relatives.
If an Anglo Saxons relative was killed this was not accepted by Anglo-Saxon families and they would either kill the person in revenge or demand some form of compensation for their loss.
This compensation was set in law and was structured whereas the rich got more and the lower classes of people got less compensation money.
There was a social order for Anglo Saxons that they had to follow, first, there were the lower people in society who owned a small plot of land called churls, these formed the majority of Anglo-Saxon people.
Next in line was a higher status person called a thegn pronounced thane, these people own five plots of land (hides)
Next up the social ladder in order of importance was the Anglo-Saxon church and above them was the Anglo-Saxon King. Anglo Saxon kings dined with and looked after the strongest men in their tribes to win their loyalty.
The Stow Minster Church in Lincolnshire dates back to 1040 and features some of the tallest arches used in Anglo Saxon architecture.
Sometimes rival Anglo-Saxon kings from other areas would support each other if there was a common purpose, this meant that the King with fewer men and the weaker army would support a stronger King in battles and keep him happy with the giving of valuable gifts.
This could be one of the reasons that Anglo Saxons were always raiding and looting other people’s territory because of this social structure of giving gifts to one another to keep their loyalty.
The Anglo-Saxon King would collect food and goods from each Anglo-Saxon family, the wealthier Anglo-Saxon people with five plots of land would give more than the low-level Anglo-Saxons who only had small plots of land.
Anglo-Saxon Kings had administrators who decided how much food and gifts each family should give each year to the Anglo-Saxon King.
The Anglo-Saxon King had to be a very strong leader, he was basically the strongest and bravest warrior and regularly had to fight off challenges to his leadership by other strong Anglo-Saxon Warriors.
Considering it was the seventh century Anglo-Saxons lived in quite well-built properties, Anglo-Saxon people tended to be strong and good with their hands, houses were built close to the fields where they grew their food and were made from solid wooden frames that were finished off with a combination of reeds mixed with mud.
The Anglo-Saxon King as you might expect had the best home, he lived in a giant ornate long hall, this large building was designed so that the Anglo-Saxon King could entertain and have large feasts with his most loyal warriors who were usually called thegn.
These Anglo Saxon warriors were well looked after by the Anglo Saxon King, who did this to keep their loyalty to stop them from challenging his authority.
The King’s hall usually had a cooking area in the middle of the room where the food for feasts would be cooked, and long wooden tables down both sides where the King and his loyal supporters would be brought food and ale as entertainers told stories set to music.
The low-level Anglo-Saxon people with only small plots of land ate what they grew themselves this was mainly oats, wheat, barley beans, and peas.
They ate meat from the animals they raised such as pigs, sheep, goats, and cows.
The King also ate the same kind of food, however, there was properly a greater quantity and better quality of food available to him.
The Anglo-Saxons lived in England during the period around the seventh century however they came from Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands and spoke a Germanic language, and few of them were able to read or write anything.
This Germanic language was changed and adapted as time went on and was adopted across Anglo Saxon England, this led to it becoming the universal language spoken called “English” and is a language that is commonly used throughout the world today.
Anglo Saxon women spent most of their time spinning and weaving thread they also tended to jobs that would be classed as housewife duties today like cleaning, designing furnishings, making bed linen, etc.
Anglo-Saxon women lived like slaves and had few rights, they did all the dirty menial jobs in Anglo-Saxon society.
They also served drinks such as ale which was made from a fermenting of honey, in Anglo Saxon times called mead, and is similar to the ales we drink today.
Anglo-Saxons also commonly had slaves who were captured in their conquest and others were born into slavery from previous generations of slaves.
Anglo Saxon men were probably very strong because of the active lifestyles they spent most of the time farming or hunting for food, they were very good hunters who use dogs to track down animals such as deer and wild boars and they even trained hawks to hunt other birds for them.
Anglo Saxon men were very in tune with nature and knew how animals behaved and how best to use nature to their advantage.
Anglo-Saxon men were always battle-ready they were armed with long spears that had sharp iron points, some Anglo-Saxon warriors had battleaxes and swords, they had to pay for their weapons and only the wealthier members of the Anglo-Saxon tribes had superior weapons.
Anglo Saxons usually made their clothing from wool and linen, it was designed to be comfortable and practical, they also added decorations to make the clothing look superior and who use plant juices as a die to add color.
Anglo-Saxon people usually wore loose-fitting tunics that were gathered at the waist by a belt they were either full length or stopped at the knee, with leggings worn underneath.
Anglo Saxon Art was characterized by it’s use of vivid colors, Anglo Saxons were experts with metalwork and renowned for the brooches such as the fuller brooch
When it was cold thick cloaks were worn that were kept in place by metal brooches. The King wore similar clothes but they were usually of better quality. Leather was also widely used by Anglo-Saxon people to make bags, shoes, and other similar items.