How were Magonels used in Siege Warfare? What did Magonels look like? Why were Magonels used? Find out the answers to all these questions and more in this comprehensive guide about how Magonels were used in Siege Warfare.
A magonel is a siege weapon from the Middle Ages. They were often constructed out of wood or other materials that could be found locally.
A magonel was a type of siege weapon that was often used during the Middle Ages. It consisted of a large bucket or basket at the end of a long throwing arm.
The basket/bucket was commonly filled with rocks, burning objects such as firepots or vessels crammed with highly flammable materials, anything readily available could be used to the attack defending forces.
Rocks would be thrown from these weapons against weak points of a castle and into castle interiors and also against inhabitants of walled medieval towns, they could also be aimed to kill those on top of the walls or throw them off balance.
The types of magonels that were typically used in siege warfare consisted of different types of catapults such as
The mangonel was often used for hurling large stones at fortifications or other targets with an engine consisting of a long beam pivoted at one end to form a lever with a sling attached to the opposite end for holding projectiles.
Medieval siege weapons, crossbows, onagers, catapults and battering rams
The advantages of magonels are that they were relatively easy and cheap to make and easy to use. They could be made out of large logs and branches.
Some disadvantages of magonels are that they have a limited range and are not particulary accurate. If you wanted to hit a specific target, you’ll would need to get close enough to accurately aim your projectile.