Early Medieval Period 476 AD – 1000 AD

The early medieval period lasted from around the time of the fall of the western roman empire c. 476 until the end of the 10th century, earlier parts of the medieval period are also sometimes described as being the Dark Ages.

fall of rome

Prelude to the Early Medieval Period

Even though it is debated by some scholars, the first-ever event of any significance during these times was the sacking of Rome by Alaric, the king of Visigoths.

This event led to the decline of the Western Roman Empire. The second more damaging attack that marked the end of the Roman Empire was in 455 when Rome was once more sacked by its enemies, this time being Genseric, King of the Vandals.


Conquests of Clovis

507 The Visigoths retreated into Spain after being defeated in battle by The Franks which were under the rule of Clovis.

1 January 501 AD – 31 December 600 AD

Important Events of the 6th Century

507 The Visigoths retreated into Spain after being defeated in battle by The Franks which were under the rule of Clovis.

jesus christ gfcfe27034 640

529 The first-ever monastery out of an eventual twelve was founded by Benedict of Nursia, beginning the Order of Saint Benedict.

524 The single most important and influential work in the West on Medieval and early Renaissance Christianity was written by Boethius in the year, called the ‘Consolation of Philosophy’.

529 The first-ever monastery out of an eventual twelve was founded by Benedict of Nursia, beginning the Order of Saint Benedict.

Byzantine Cities Constantinople Turkey

which led to the city being half-burned and tens of thousands of people killed.

532 – The City of Nika in Constantinople had major riots

which led to the city being half-burned and tens of thousands of people killed.

Byzantine Empire

535-554 Gothic War took place in Italy as part of the Justian Re-conquest

The Byzantines re-took Italy but crippled their own economy and were forced to leave Italy unable to manage the oncoming Lombards

535-554 Gothic War took place in Italy as part of the Justian Re-conquest

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he who shall bring forth the word of God which was written in the Holy Qur’an, starting the basics of the Islamic theology which will lead to a new religion being born.

570 – The Great Prophet Muhammad was Born

he who shall bring forth the word of God which was written in the Holy Qur’an, starting the basics of the Islamic theology which will lead to a new religion being born.

The Anglo

597 – with the arrival of Augustine in Kent

Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons begins

597 – with the arrival of Augustine in Kent

601 AD – 700 AD

During the period of 602 – 629, the last great battles between the Romans and the Persians took place, near the end of the battles both armies are exhausted, especially with the forming of the United Arab Empires and their united Arab empires under the words of the Islam in the 630s.

During this war, other significant deeds have happened, like the start of the migration of the great prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, a great battle where the Persians were crushed versus the Byzantines under the lead of Heraclius.

The Crusades Holylands jerusalem Temple Rock Dome

638 – The city of Jerusalem is captured by an Arab army which leads to the battle of The Battle of Nahavand (Arabic: معركة نهاوند Maʿrakah Nahāwan

632 – The prophet Muhammad dies leaving behind all of Arabia under the Muslim religion.

638 – The city of Jerusalem is captured by an Arab army which leads to the battle of The Battle of Nahavand (Arabic: معركة نهاوند Maʿrakah Nahāwan

641 – the Muslims conquer all of Persia and in 643 take over Alexandria

650 – The Slavs finish their occupation of the Balkan Peninsula.

641 – the Muslims conquer all of Persia and in 643 take over Alexandria

Byzantine Architecture Hagia Sophia

681 – The Bulgarian Empire first appeared in 681

674 – 678 The Arabs laid their first siege on the city of Constantinople

They were defeated which lead to the forestalling of the Islamic Conquest of all of Europe

681 – The Bulgarian Empire first appeared in 681

Byzantine Empire

698 – The byzantine rule is no more, due to the Arab army taking over the city of Carthage.

Byzantine Empire Flag

698 – The byzantine rule is no more, due to the Arab army taking over the city of Carthage.

701 – 800 AD

711 – The first invasions by the Muslims, formed of Arabs and Berbers, happened in Spain which begin the rule of the Muslims in the Iberian peninsula which will last around the end of the fifteenth century.
718 – The Muslims tried their luck again on the city of Constantinople in the year 718, but the merged forces of the Byzantines and Bulgarians held off the attack and managed to drive them off.
732 – The battle of Tours in 732 was the decisive battle where Charles Martel held off the Muslim invaders which lead to the forming of the Carolingian Empire for the Franks and halted all advancement of the Moors in southwest Europe.
735 – The father of English history called Bede died in the year 735 on May the 25th.
750 – The third caliphate called Abbasid began in the year 750 and would grow up to be the longest-lasting caliphate until 1519 when it would become combusted and annexed by the Ottoman Empire.
768 – The first signs of the Viking age started out with the attack of Lindisfarne where the Vikings attacked Britain.
800 – the reign of Charlemagne began and in the year 800 he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and had his kingdom recognized by the Papacy as the largest in Europe.

Viking Raids on England begin with the Attack of Lindisfarne

801 – 900 AD

814 In the year 814, the reign of Emperor Charlemagne ended with his death which would be the reason why only 30 years later the empire split up.
827 – Muslims invade Sicily and in 840 they capture Bari and much of Southern Italy.
862 – A Viking state is formed in 862 by Rurik, first at Novgorod and then in Kiev.
866 – The great army of the Vikings arrived in England in 866 which lead to the territories of Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia getting totally overwhelmed.
886 – The Cyrillic script was created by Saint Cyril and Methodius which would lead to a great spiritual and cultural age in the Eastern Orthodox part of the Slavic World.
893 – Simeon I 893 becomes ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire in the Balkans.
899 – the great king of England, Alfred the Great, dies”.
King Alfred The Great Medieval Kings Illustration

Great Anglo Saxon King Alfred the Great

Some Historians consider Alfred the Great to be the first true King of England

901 – 1000 AD

911 – The Viking Rollo and his tribe of Vikings settle in what is now Normandy founding the Duchy of Normandy.
917 – Simeon I defeats the Byzantines in the Battle of Anchialus near the river Anchialus, the coast of the Black Sea.
919 – the first King of the Germans was elected, Henry the Fowler, Duke of Saxony marking the start of the Ottonian Dynasty.
925 – The first king of the Croatians, King Tomislav (910-928) was crowned in the year 925.
927 – The kingdom of England was founded in 927 when King Aethelstan the Glorious united the heptarchy of the Anglo-Saxon nations.
927 – Simeon I the Great, ruler of Bulgaria dies. After the battle of Lechfeld in 955 where Otto the Great defeated the Magyar, he then gets crowned holy emperor of the Romans in 962.
969 – In the year 969 the last living emperors of the Byzantines, John I Tzimiskes and Nikephoros II are executed and the Sultane of Rums is proclaimed. Bazil II the co-emperor of John I Tzimiskes takes the sole power in 976 and in 981, after getting the nickname Bulgar Slayer, starts his conquest of Bulgaria which will end in 1018.
Anglo Saxon Settlements Map
Anglo Saxon settlements in England in early period of 400-500